Tuesday, May 22, 2012

On Seminary and the Glory of God


Working for seminaries (like The Cornerstone Seminary and SEPE), churches, and conferences is always a unique yet insightful experience. The fact that there are tens or hundreds of men gathered together to learn, to encourage each other, to joke and have a good time with each other, and to do it all for the glory and advancement of God and the gospel is a testimony of God's faithfulness. No matter the country, no matter the language or the ethnicity, there are men willing to pour time and effort into learning how to better lead and shepherd others. 

I'm the son of a former seminary student. Many times they aren't living as comfortable a life as they could. Maybe they don't have paid-off houses. Maybe they don't have their dream computer. That's completely OK with them, though, and you can tell, because they love God and they love learning and preaching and praising.

Being on campus to see these men studying and praying and worshipping and being able to see and hear the magnitude of the impact these men are having is such an encouraging experience.

The graduating class of 2012 from The Cornerstone Seminary


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